Eliminate staining on your countertops
StoneGuard® is a clear protective film available in Gloss or Satin, designed specifically to eliminate staining and etching for porous and sensitive stone surfaces such as Marble, Quartzite, Onyx, & more. StoneGuard® is patented & incorporates heat and chemical resistant technologies. The film will protect stone counters from oils, juices, sauces, acids, alkaline, and harsh household chemicals that can leave permanent stains or etchings on your stone surfaces.
StoneGuard’s ShieldX is built upon significantly improved nano-materials that are highly chemical resistant and enhanced with a UV inhibiting barrier. For stone countertops placed near windows, ultraviolet rays do accelerate etchings, so the UV rejecting coating adds a new level of protection to the surface. This technology substantially improves the long-term durability and protective capabilities of StoneGuard®. StoneGuard’s unique composition achieves exceptional heat resistance, which when installed onto stone surfaces, can sustain temperatures up to 350°F (the typical boiling pot of hot water is approximately 200°F at its exterior base). Even at up to 320°F, acidic food items and chemicals have difficulty staining and etching into the film itself.
StoneGuard® Stone Surface Protection Film
Advancements in our Nano-Technologies Division have allowed StoneGuard® to create a clear protective film designed specifically for porous and sensitive stone surfaces. StoneGuard® is a patented 5 mils thick clear polyethylene film that incorporates heat and chemical resistant technologies. The film will protect stone counters from
🍷NO Staning
🍋No Acid Etching
🔥Heat Resistant
🌎 Anti Microbial
oils, acids, alkaline, and harsh household chemicals that can leave permanent etchings on your stone surfaces.
Stone manufacturers recommend applying a chemical sealant every 6-12 months. However, the protective capabilities of these chemical sealers are minimal for acids, alkaline, and food bi-products. Stoneguard will eliminate your need for these chemical sealants.